The Hot Box!!!!

So I know lot of people love to talk shit!!!! Go right ahead spill the beans here!! You can be a man about it and use ur name!! or you can bitch up and say it anonymously either way u'll be heard!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Chris Brown needs his Ass Whooped!!!!!

Soooooo this is the photo everyone has been dying to come across. Yea Yea I know u've seen 10 photoshop versions but this is the real deal, leaked from the LAPD police department. They've released a statement apologizing for the leak and claiming tha an internal investigation is taking place to resolve the issue. So i must admit i was one of the people who assumed that she prolly had a tiny scratch and the media was blowing it out of porportion. How Wrong was I??? Well i dont need to tell does that saying go? A Picture is worth a thousand words!! All i know is there is never a time when putting ur hand on a woman is OK....its just not. What a little bastard. We're so sorry RiRi!!!

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